About the Journal

The Journal of Learning Analytics is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, disseminating the highest quality research in the field (Journal Impact Factor 3.9). The journal is published three times a year and is the official publication of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). With an international Editorial Board comprised of leading scholars, it is the first journal dedicated to research into the challenges of collecting, analysing and reporting data with the specific intent to improve learning. 'Learning' is broadly defined across a range of contexts, including informal learning on the internet, formal academic study in institutions (primary/secondary/tertiary), and workplace learning.

The journal seeks to connect learning analytics researchers, developers and practitioners who share a common interest in using data traces to better understand and improve learning through the creation and implementation of new tools and techniques, and the study of transformations they engender. The interdisciplinary focus of the journal recognizes that computational, pedagogical, institutional, policy and social perspectives must be brought into dialogue with each other to ensure that interventions and organizational systems serve the needs of all stakeholders. Together, these communities each bring a valuable lens to provide ongoing input, evaluation and critique of the conceptual, technical, and practical advances of the field.

The Journal of Learning Analytics welcomes papers that either describe original research or offer a review of the state of the art in a particular area. The journal also welcomes practice-focused papers that detail learning analytics applications in real-world settings, provided that they offer innovative insights for advancing the field. Other paper types accepted include Data Reports, Tool Reports, Open Peer Commentary and Book Reviews.  See the journal's Focus and Scope for details.

Manuscripts can be submitted to the Journal of Learning Analytics at any time. Only manuscripts for special sections should be submitted by the specific date as defined in the call for papers of the special section. Special section paper calls can be found in the Announcements section.

The Journal of Learning Analytics provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The journal does not charge authors submission or processing charges to submit – costs are covered by the Society for Learning Analytics Research.


Special Section on Human Creativity and Learning Analytics


Creativity is a thinking ability that enables problem-solving in an innovative manner and produces original and valuable products. Creativity has been identified as crucial to human inventive potential in all disciplines, and its influence dominates various spheres of life. In recent years, there has been growing recognition that creativity is an essential skill for the 21st century that can be nurtured and should be included in the curriculum from an early age.

Over the last few decades—especially since the early 2000s—research on creativity in learning and teaching has grown and spanned many areas, including, e.g., teaching and learning of creativity, interconnections between creativity and learning-related variables, influencing factors on creativity, and creativity-supporting learning environments. To advance the study of human creativity using Learning Analytics, we welcome various types of submissions to this special section.

Read more about Special Section on Human Creativity and Learning Analytics

Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Volume 11, Issue 2
					View Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Volume 11, Issue 2
Published: 2024-08-18

Research Papers

Practical Reports

Extended Conference Papers

Data and Tools Reports

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