Scaffolding Feedback Literacy

Designing a Feedback Analytics Tool with Students




feedback literacy, learning analytics, feedback analytics, feedback traceability, feedback management, research paper


Feedback is essential in learning. The emerging concept of feedback literacy underscores the skills students require for effective use of feedback. This highlights students’ responsibilities in the feedback process. Yet, there is currently a lack of mechanisms to understand how students make sense of feedback and whether they act on it. This gap makes it hard to effectively support students in feedback literacy development and improve the quality of feedback. As a specific application of learning analytics, feedback analytics (analytics on learner engagement with feedback) can offer insights into students’ learning engagement and progression, which can in turn be used to scaffold student feedback literacy. This study proposes a feedback analytics tool, designed with students, aimed at aiding students to synthesize feedback received from multiple sources, scaffold the sense-making process, and prompt deeper reflections or actions on feedback based on data about students’ interactions with feedback. We held focus group discussions with 38 students to learn about their feedback experiences and identified tool features. Based on identified user requirements, a prototype was developed and validated with 16 students via individual interviews. Based on the findings, we envision a feedback analytics tool with the aim of scaffolding student feedback literacy


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How to Cite

Jin, F., Maheshi, B., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Gašević, D., & Tsai, Y.-S. . (2024). Scaffolding Feedback Literacy: Designing a Feedback Analytics Tool with Students. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(2), 123-137.



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