A Closer Look at Instructor Use and Sensemaking Processes of Analytics Dashboards
Past, Present, and Future
classroom analytics, automated classroom observation, feedback dashboards, instructor sensemaking, dashboard use, active learning, research paperAbstract
There is a growing interest in the research and use of automated feedback dashboards that display classroom analytics; yet little is known about the detailed processes instructors use to make sense of these tools, and to determine the impact on their teaching practices. This research was conducted at a public Midwestern university within the context of an automated classroom observation and feedback implementation project. Fifteen engineering instructors engaged in this research. The overarching goal was to investigate instructor teaching beliefs, pedagogical practices, and sensemaking processes regarding dashboard use. A grounded theory approach was used to identify categories related to instructor perceptions. Results revealed that instructor experiences inform both their present use of the dashboard and consequential future actions. A model is presented that illustrates categories included in instructor pre-use, use, and post-use of an automated feedback dashboard. An extension to this model is presented and accompanied by recommendations for a more effective future use of automated dashboards. The model’s practical implications inform both instructors and designers on effective design and use of dashboards, ultimately paving a way to improve pedagogical practices and instruction
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