Edulyze: Learning Analytics for Real-World Classrooms at Scale
large scale analytics, classroom sensing, research tools, learning pedagogy research, data and tools reportAbstract
Classroom sensing systems can capture data on teacher-student behaviours and interactions at a scale far greater than human observers can. These data, translated to multi-modal analytics, can provide meaningful insights to educational stakeholders. However, complex data can be difficult to make sense of. In addition, analyses done on these data are often limited by the organization of the underlying sensing system, and translating sensing data into meaningful insights often requires custom analyses across different modalities. We present Edulyze, an analytics engine that processes complex, multi-modal sensing data and translates them into a unified schema that is agnostic to the underlying sensing system or classroom configuration. We evaluate Edulyze’s performance by integrating three sensing systems (Edusense, ClassGaze, and Moodoo) and then present data analyses of five case studies of relevant pedagogical research questions across these sensing systems. We demonstrate how Edulyze’s flexibility and customizability allow us to answer a broad range of research questions made possible by Edulyze’s translation of a breadth of raw sensing data from different sensing systems into relevant classroom analytics.
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