A Systematic Review of Learning Analytics
Incorporated Instructional Interventions on Learning Management Systems
learning management system, learning analytics interventions, instructional interventions, systematic review, research paperAbstract
The learning management system (LMS) is widely used in educational settings to support teaching and learning practices. The usage log data, generated by both learners and instructors, enables the development and implementation of learning analytics (LA) interventions aimed at facilitating teaching and learning activities. To examine the current status of the development and empirical impacts of learning analytics–incorporated interventions within LMSs on improving teaching and learning practices, we conducted a systematic review that examined 27 articles published from 2012 through 2023. The outcomes of this review provided valuable insights into the design and development of learning analytics–incorporated interventions implemented on LMSs and empirical evidence of the impacts of these interventions, along with implications to inform future design and applications.
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