Enhancing Feedback Uptake and Self-Regulated Learning in Procedural Skills Training
Design and Evaluation of a Learning Analytics Dashboard
learning analytics dashboard, feedback, procedural skills, self-regulated learning, health professions education, research paperAbstract
Remote technology has been widely incorporated into health professions education. For procedural skills training, effective feedback and reflection processes are required. Consequently, supporting a self-regulated learning (SRL) approach with learning analytics dashboards (LADs) has proven beneficial in online environments. Despite the potential of LADs, understanding their design to enhance SRL and provide useful feedback remains a significant challenge. Focusing on LAD design, implementation, and evaluation, the study followed a mixed-methods two-phase design-based research approach. The study used a triangulation methodology of qualitative interviews and SRL and sensemaking questionnaires to comprehensively understand the LAD’s effectiveness and student SRL and feedback uptake strategies during remote procedural skills training. Initial findings revealed the value students placed on performance visualization and peer comparison despite some challenges in LAD design and usability. The study also identified the prominent adoption of SRL strategies such as help-seeking, elaboration, and strategic planning. Sensemaking results showed the value of personalized performance metrics and planning resources in the LAD and recommendations to improve reflection and feedback uptake. Subsequent findings suggested that SRL levels significantly predicted the levels of sensemaking. The students valued the LAD as a tool for supporting feedback uptake and strategic planning, demonstrating the potential for enhancing procedural skills learning.
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