When Leaving is Persisting

Studying Patterns of Persistence in an Online Game-Based Learning Environment for Mathematics





persistence, micro-persistence, game-based learning, log analysis, mathematics education, research paper


We report on a large-scale, log-based study of the associations between persistence and success in an online game-based learning environment for elementary school mathematics. While working with applets, learners can rerun a task after completing it or can halt before completing and rerun it again; both of these mechanisms may improve the score. We analyzed about 3.1 million applet runs by N=44,323 1st–6th-grade students to have a nuanced understanding of persistence patterns, by identifying sequences of consecutive single applet runs (SoCSARs). Overall, we analyzed 2,249,647 SoCSARs and identified six patterns, based on halting and rerunning tasks, and their completion: 1) Single Complete, 2) Single Incomplete, 3) Some Incomplete and Single Complete, 4) Multiple Incomplete and No Complete, 5) Multiple Complete and No Incomplete, and 6) Multiple Complete and Some Incomplete. Expectedly, we found a positive correlation between SoCSAR length and success. Some patterns demonstrate low to medium positive associations with success, while others demonstrate low to medium negative associations. Furthermore, the associations between the type of persistence and success vary by grade level. We discuss these complex relationships and suggest metacognitive and motivational factors that may explain why some patterns are productive and others are not.


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How to Cite

Klein-Latucha, O., & Hershkovitz, A. (2024). When Leaving is Persisting: Studying Patterns of Persistence in an Online Game-Based Learning Environment for Mathematics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(2), 42-51. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2023.8219



Research Papers