Learning Analytics: Practitioners, Take Note

Journal of Learning Analytics Editorial 2022





learning analytics, JLA, notes for practice, practitioners, findings, recommendations, methodologies, tools, instructors, learning designers, administrators, advisors, editorial


The editorial looks back at the journal in 2022 and forward to 2023. For this editorial, we analysed all ‘Notes for Practice’ published in the journal from when they first appeared in issue 5(1) to the end of November, 2022. Our goals were to examine critically the ways in which these notes have been used to foster collaboration between researchers and practitioners, and also to summarise key findings that practitioners can use to inform their work. Our analysis covers 434 Notes for Practice from 130 different papers. The full dataset used for this analysis is provided as a supplementary file.


Cukurova, M., Khan-Galaria, M., Millán, E., & Luckin, R. (2022). A Learning Analytics Approach to Monitoring the Quality of Online One-to-One Tutoring. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(2), 105-120. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2022.7411

De Silva, L. M. H., Chounta, I.-A., Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., Roa, E. R., Gramberg, A., & Valk, A. (2022). Toward an Institutional Analytics Agenda for Addressing Student Dropout in Higher Education: An Academic Stakeholders’ Perspective. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(2), 179-201. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2022.7507

European Commission (2022). Horizon Europe (HORIZON) Euratom Research and Training Programme (EURATOM) General Model Grant Agreement EIC Accelerator Contract, Version 1.1. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/common/agr-contr/general-mga_horizon-euratom_en.pdf#page=108

Hartmann, C., Rummel, N., & Bannert, M. (2022). Using HeuristicsMiner to Analyze Problem-Solving Processes: Exemplary Use Case of a Productive-Failure Study. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(2), 66-86. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2022.7363


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How to Cite

Ferguson, R., Ochoa, X., & Kovanović, V. (2022). Learning Analytics: Practitioners, Take Note: Journal of Learning Analytics Editorial 2022. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(3), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2022.7937

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