Learning Analytics for Primary and Secondary Schools
primary schools, secondary schools, learning analytics adoptionAbstract
Over the past decade, the increasing use of learning analytics opened the possibility of making data-driven decisions for improving student learning. Driven by the strong university adoption of learning analytics, most early learning analytics research focused on issues specific to tertiary education. With the broader adoption of educational technologies in primary and secondary education and the emergence of new classroom-focused technologies, there has been a growing awareness of the potentials of learning analytics for supporting students and diagnosing their learning progress in pre-university contexts. This special section focused on investigating, developing, and evaluating state-of-the-art learning analytics approaches within primary and secondary school settings. In this editorial, we summarize the papers of the special section and discuss the challenges and opportunities for learning analytics within the school context. We conclude with the discussion around the opportunities for future work and the implications of this special section for the field of learning analytics.
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