Fairness, Trust, Transparency, Equity, and Responsibility in Learning Analytics





trust, transparency, equity, ethics, fairness, responsible learning analytics, editorial


Learning analytics has the capacity to provide potential benefit to a wide range of stakeholders within a range of educational contexts. It can provide prompt support to students, facilitate effective teaching, highlight aspects of course content that might be adapted, and predict a range of possible outcomes, such as students registering for more appropriate courses, supporting students’ self-efficacy, or redesigning a course’s pedagogical strategy. It will do all these things based on the assumptions and rules that learning analytics developers set out. As such, learning analytics can exacerbate existing inequalities such as unequal access to support or opportunities based on (any combination of) race, gender, culture, age, socioeconomic status, etc., or work to overcome the impact of such inequalities on realizing student potential. In this editorial, we introduce several selected articles that explore the principles of fairness, equity, and responsibility in the context of learning analytics. We discuss existing research and summarize the papers within this special section to outline what is known, and what remains to be explored. This editorial concludes by celebrating the breadth of work set out here, but also by suggesting that there are no simple answers to ensuring fairness, trust, transparency, equity, and responsibility in learning analytics. More needs to be done to ensure that our mutual understanding of responsible learning analytics continues to be embedded in the learning analytics research and design practice.


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How to Cite

Khalil, M., Prinsloo, P., & Slade, S. (2023). Fairness, Trust, Transparency, Equity, and Responsibility in Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2023.7983