OnTask: Delivering Data-Informed, Personalized Learning Support Actions


  • Abelardo Pardo University of South Australia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6857-0582
  • Kathryn Bartimote The University of Sydney
  • Simon Buckingham Shum University of Technology Sydney
  • Shane Dawson University of South Australia
  • Jing Gao University of South Australia
  • Dragan Gašević Monash University
  • Steve Leichtweis University of Auckland
  • Danny Liu The University of Sydney
  • Roberto Martínez-Maldonado University of Technology Sydney
  • Negin Mirriahi University of South Australia
  • Adon Christian Michael Moskal Otago Polytechnic
  • Jurgen Schulte University of Technology Sydney
  • George Siemens University of South Australia
  • Lorenzo Vigentini University of New South Wales




Learning analytics, feedback, personalization, open source, student support


The learning analytics community has matured significantly over the past few years as a middle space where technology and pedagogy combine to support learning experiences. To continue to grow and connect these perspectives, research needs to move beyond the level of basic support actions. This means exploring the use of data to prove richer forms of actions, such as personalized feedback, or hybrid approaches where instructors interpret the outputs of algorithms and select an appropriate course of action. This paper proposes the following three contributions to connect data extracted from the learning experience with such personalized student support actions: 1) a student–instructor centred conceptual model connecting a representation of the student information with a basic set of rules created by instructors to deploy Personalized Learning Support Actions (PLSAs); 2) a software architecture based on this model with six categories of functional blocks to deploy the PLSAs; and 3) a description of the implementation of this architecture as an open-source platform to promote the adoption and exploration of this area.

Author Biography

Abelardo Pardo, University of South Australia

Abelardo Pardo is Professor and Dean Academic at the Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment at the University of South Australia. His research interests include the design and deployment of technology to increase the understanding and improve digital learning experiences. More specifically, his work examines the areas of learning analytics, personalized active learning, and technology for student support.




How to Cite

Pardo, A., Bartimote, K., Buckingham Shum, S., Dawson, S., Gao, J., Gašević, D., Leichtweis, S., Liu, D., Martínez-Maldonado, R., Mirriahi, N., Moskal, A. C. M., Schulte, J., Siemens, G., & Vigentini, L. (2018). OnTask: Delivering Data-Informed, Personalized Learning Support Actions. Journal of Learning Analytics, 5(3), 235–249. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2018.53.15

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