MMALA: Developing and Evaluating a Maturity Model for Adopting Learning Analytics




maturity model, processes, policy development, learning analytics, higher education, research paper


Learning analytics (LA) adoption is a challenging task for higher education institutions (HEIs) since it involves different aspects of the academic environment, such as information technology infrastructure, human resource management, ethics, and pedagogical issues. Therefore, it is necessary to provide institutions with supporting instruments to deal with these challenges. Although there has been much research on factors that are associated with the adoption of LA in HEIs, there has been much less research on specific models that can be used to guide actual adoption. In this sense, we developed MMALA, a Maturity Model for Adopting Learning Analytics. It is a guide that describes the necessary practices for taking the first steps in this area and enables institutions to reach higher levels of maturity in LA use, culminating in an organized and systematic adoption. In this paper, we describe the development process of MMALA, focusing on the model evaluation, which used both the questionnaire and the expert opinion method. MMALA can also give institutions an overview of their current situation regarding LA adoption. In this sense, we present the results of the maturity evaluation of three Brazilian HEIs using MMALA. 


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How to Cite

Freitas, E., Fonseca, F., Garcia, V., Pontual Falcão, T., Marques, E., Gašević, D., & Ferreira Mello, R. (2024). MMALA: Developing and Evaluating a Maturity Model for Adopting Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(1), 67-86.



Application of Learning Analytics Applications in Latin America

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