Student Privacy and Learning Analytics

Investigating the Application of Privacy Within a Student Success Information System in Higher Education


  • Mary Francis Dakota State University
  • Mejai Avoseh University of South Dakota
  • Karen Card University of South Dakota
  • Lisa Newland University of South Dakota
  • Kevin Streff Dakota State University



learning analytics, privacy, case study, student success information system, research paper


This single-site case study will seek to answer the following question: how is the concept of privacy addressed in relation to a student success information system within a small, public institution of higher education? Three themes were found within the inductive coding process, which used interviews, documentation, and videos as data resources. Overall, the case study shows an institution in the early stages of implementing a commercial learning analytics system and provides suggestions for how it can be more proactive in implementing privacy considerations in developing policies and procedures.


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How to Cite

Francis, M., Avoseh, M., Card, K., Newland, L., & Streff, K. (2023). Student Privacy and Learning Analytics: Investigating the Application of Privacy Within a Student Success Information System in Higher Education. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(3), 102-114.



Research Papers