Game-Based Learning Analytics for Supporting Adolescents’ Reflection


  • Elizabeth Cloude University of Central Florida
  • Dan Carpenter North Carolina State University
  • Daryn A. Dever University of Central Florida
  • James Lester North Carolina State University
  • Roger Azevedo University of Central Florida



reflection, game-learning analytics, adolescents, problem solving, knowledge acquisition


Reflection is critical for adolescents’ problem solving and learning in game-based learning environments (GBLEs). Yet challenges exist in the literature because most studies lack a theoretical perspective and clear operational definition to inform how and when reflection should be scaffolded during game-based learning. In this paper, we address these issues by studying the quantity and quality of 120 adolescents’ written reflections and their relation to their learning and problem solving with Crystal Island, a GBLE. Specifically, we (1) define reflection and how it relates to skill and knowledge acquisition; (2) review studies examining reflection and its relation to problem solving and learning with emerging technologies; and (3) provide direction for building reflection prompts into GBLEs that are aligned with the learning goals built into the learning session (e.g., learn about microbiology versus successfully solve a problem) to maximize adolescents’ reflection, learning, and performance. Overall, our findings emphasize how important it is to examine not only the quantity of reflection but also the depth of written reflection as it relates to specific learning goals. We discuss the implications of using game-learning analytics to guide instructional decision making in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Cloude, E., Carpenter, D., Dever, D. A., Lester, J., & Azevedo, R. (2021). Game-Based Learning Analytics for Supporting Adolescents’ Reflection. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8(2), 51-72.



Special Section: Learning Analytics for Primary and Secondary Schools