Knowledge Building Analytics to Explore Crossing Disciplinary and Grade-Level Boundaries


  • Ahmad Khanlari University of Toronto
  • Gaoxia Zhu University of Toronto
  • Marlene Scardamalia University of Toronto



Knowledge Building, Learning analytics, Exceeding Expectations


Sustained creative work with ideas, work that leads beyond expectations, underpins knowledge creating organizations. Knowledge Building pedagogy, with its 12 principles and associated technology, Knowledge Forum, aims to provide necessary support for this goal. This exploratory study aims to assess the extent to which elementary-school students within Knowledge Building communities are able to exceed curriculum expectations. We defined “criss-crossing topics” as an indicator of exceeding expectations, and examined whether students are able to think and theorize in an interdisciplinary way and, in doing so, exceed curriculum expectations. We also examined how such criss-crossing topics may help advance the community knowledge. Results show that, when given agency, elementary students are able to extend knowledge boundaries, bringing greater range and explanatory coherence to their work, resulting in advancing community knowledge and idea improvement.


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How to Cite

Khanlari, A., Zhu, G., & Scardamalia, M. (2019). Knowledge Building Analytics to Explore Crossing Disciplinary and Grade-Level Boundaries. Journal of Learning Analytics, 6(3), 60–75.