Tracking and Visualising Student Effort: Evolution of a Practical Analytics Tool for Staff and Student Engagement


  • Robin Paul Nagy Redlands School



There is an urgent need for our educational system to shift assessment regimes from a narrow, high-stakes focus on grades, to more holistic definitions that value the qualities that lifelong learners will need. The challenge for learning analytics in this context is to deliver actionable assessments of these hard-to-quantify qualities, which are valued by both educators and learners. This practitioner report makes a contribution to this by documenting the iterative refinement of a practical approach for tracking student effort, deployed in successive versions over 6 years in secondary schools. This demonstrates how a student quality such as “effort” can be assessed by teachers in a practical way, and the insights that visual analytics can provide as a basis for productive dialogue among staff and students. The engagement and professional development of teachers is critical to embedding and sustaining novel analytics of this sort.

Author Biography

Robin Paul Nagy, Redlands School

Robin Nagy,

Dean of Students, Redlands School, 272 Military Road, Cremorne, Sydney, AUS (2014-).

Housemaster and teacher of Mathematics, Cranbrook School (2008-2014)

Teacher of Mathematics (1994-2007) in the UK and Thailand (Bangkok Patana School, City of London School, North London Collegiate School, University College School).

Firmware Engineer (Motorola) (1991-1992)


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How to Cite

Nagy, R. P. (2016). Tracking and Visualising Student Effort: Evolution of a Practical Analytics Tool for Staff and Student Engagement. Journal of Learning Analytics, 3(2), 164-192.



Special section: Learning Analytics for 21st Century Competencies