Amplifying Student and Administrator Perspectives on Equity and Bias in Learning Analytics

Alone Together in Higher Education




stakeholder persepctives, bias, equity, learning analytics, higher education, research paper


When higher education institutions (HEIs) have the potential to collect large amounts of learner data, it is important to consider the spectrum of stakeholders involved with and impacted by the use of learning analytics. This qualitative research study aims to understand the degree of concern with issues of bias and equity in the uses of learner data as perceived by students, diversity and inclusion leaders, and senior administrative leaders in HEIs. An interview study was designed to investigate stakeholder voices that generate, collect, and utilize learning analytics from eight HEIs in the United States. A phased inductive coding analysis revealed similarities and differences in the three stakeholder groups regarding concerns about bias and equity in the uses of learner data. The study findings suggest that stakeholders have varying degrees of data literacy, thus creating conditions of inequality and bias in learning data. By centring the values of these critical stakeholder groups and acknowledging that intersections and hierarchies of power are critical to authentic inclusion, this study provides additional insight into proactive measures that institutions could take to improve equity, transparency, and accountability in their responsible learning analytics efforts.


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How to Cite

Heiser, R., Dello Stritto, M. E., Brown, A. ., & Croft, B. (2023). Amplifying Student and Administrator Perspectives on Equity and Bias in Learning Analytics: Alone Together in Higher Education. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(1), 8-23.



Special Section on Fairness, Equity, and Responsibility in Learning Analytics