Networks and Learning: A View from Physics


  • Adrienne Traxler Wright State University



network analysis, physics education research, gender, invited paper


Like learning analytics, physics education research is a relatively young field that draws on perspectives from multiple disciplines. Network analysis has an even more heterodox perspective, with roots in mathematics, sociology, and, more recently, computer science and physics. This paper reviews how network analysis has been used in physics education research and how it connects to some of the work in this special issue. Insights from physics education research suggest combining social and interaction networks with other data sources and looking for finer-grained details to use in constructing networks, and learning analytics is promising for both avenues. The discussion ends by looking at the complications with incorporating gender into network analysis, and finally the possibilities for the future.


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How to Cite

Traxler, A. (2022). Networks and Learning: A View from Physics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(1), 111-119.



Special Section: Networks in Learning Analytics