Exploring the Utility of Social-Network-Derived Collaborative Opportunity Temperature Readings for Informing Design and Research of Large-Group Immersive Learning Environments


  • Aditi Mallavarapu University of Illinois https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2906-1478
  • Leilah Lyons University of Illinois and New York Hall of Science
  • Stephen Uzzo New York Hall of Science




co-located large groups, collaboration, multi-user learning environment, social network analysis, immersive museum exhibit, data-driven formative feedback, research paper


Large-group (n > 8) co-located collaboration has not been adequately studied because it demands different conceptual framings than those used to study small-group collaboration, while also posing pragmatic constraints on data collection. Working within these pragmatic constraints, we use video data to devise an indicator of the current possibilities for learner collaboration during large-group co-located interactions. We borrow conceptualizations from proxemics and social network analysis to construct collaborative opportunity networks, allowing us to define the concept of collaborative opportunity temperature (COT) readings: a “snapshot” of the current configuration of the different social subgroup structures within a large group, indicating emergent opportunities for collaboration (via talk or shared action) due to proximity. Using a case study of two groups of people (n = 11, n = 12) who interacted with a multi-user museum exhibit, we outline the processes of deriving COT. We show how to quickly detect differences in subgroup configurations that may result from educational interventions and how COT can triangulate with and complement other forms of data (audio transcripts and activity logs) during lengthier analyses. We also outline how COT readings can be used to supply formative feedback on social engagement to learners and be adapted to other learning environments.


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How to Cite

Mallavarapu, A., Lyons, L., & Uzzo, S. . (2022). Exploring the Utility of Social-Network-Derived Collaborative Opportunity Temperature Readings for Informing Design and Research of Large-Group Immersive Learning Environments. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(1), 53-76. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2022.7419



Special Section: Networks in Learning Analytics