A User’s Guide to Topological Data Analysis
Topological Data Analysis, Persistent Homology, MapperAbstract
Topological data analysis (TDA) is a collection of powerful tools that can quantify shape and structure in data in order to answer questions from the data’s domain. This is done by representing some aspect of the structure of the data in a simplified topological signature. In this article, we introduce two of the most commonly used topological signatures. First, the persistence diagram represents loops and holes in the space by considering connectivity of the data points for a continuum of values rather than a single fixed value. The second topological signature, the mapper graph, returns a 1-dimensional structure representing the shape of the data, and is particularly good for exploration and visualization of the data. While these techniques are based on very sophisticated mathematics, the current ubiquity of available software means that these tools are more accessible than ever to be applied to data by researchers in education and learning, as well as all domain scientists.
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