Journal of Learning Analytics (JLA) Receives Inaugral Impact Factor of 3.9
The JLA editors and team are pleased to announce that the Journal of Learning Analytics (JLA), indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), has been given an inaugural Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of 3.9 from the 2022 Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR). This score is a recognition of the importance of the Journal's contribution to the educational community and endorses its effort to maintain a high publication standard.
In addition, the JLA has been awarded a Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) of 2.31 and a ranking of 27 in 742 educational journals, placing it in the 96th percentile in the field of education.
With this achievement, the JLA team resolves to continue its efforts to bring together the computational, pedagogical, institutional, policy, and social perspectives to provide ongoing input, evaluation, and critique of the conceptual, technical, and practical advances of the field.