New editors-in-chief


We are pleased to announce that Hassan Khosravi and Olga Viberg will be joining the Journal of Learning Analytics as editors-in-chief. Olga will join in autumn 2022 and Hassan will join at the end of March 2023 after completing his work as one of the Program Chairs of LAK23.

Olga and Hassan were appointed from a strong field. In making its selections, the committee gave careful consideration to the application materials received in the context of the goals for the appointment, with respect to balance in methodological traditions, geographic and gender diversity, collaboration networks, and the importance of having a majority of editors-in-chief with senior standing in the community and at their institutions to allow the making of independent and sometimes difficult decisions without fear or favour.

The appointment of Olga and Hassan as Xavier Ochoa completes his terms of office, will take the number of editors-in-chief up to four. This size is consistent with other journals in the area and was endorsed by both outgoing and newly joined editors, as well as the SoLAR Executive.